There is something calming and nostalgic about the time it takes to hang the clothes and wait for them to dry (although on a nice summer day, it doesn't take long).
I know that Mom hung clothes on the line and as kids we would pretend that we couldn't be seen between the lines in our magical world. That play wasn't exclusive to home. I remember playing dolls between the clothes lines at the Wise's home too. There is just something magical about cloth hanging outside. No wonder it calms me when I take a moment to really breathe in the moment.
I washed the quilt Mom gave me for Christmas on a day that was perfect for putting it out on the line to dry.
Talk about wonderful.
The top was started by Catherine Crickenberger from scraps Mom gave her to use. The scraps are from projects that Mom had done over the years and clothes she had made for us. When Catherine wasn't able to piece anymore, the sections of blocks came back to Mom and were stored away for a long time. Last year Mom got them back out and finished piecing them. She ended up with two queen size quilts, one for me and one for my sister. Special doesn't even begin to describe this quilt.
As it hung on the line it brought back all those playful memories from a childhood that seems so long ago. Love on the line... that's just how it felt to look at it on that bright summer's day.