Monday, July 23, 2012

Pig A Pancake - a lesson in rolling with the punches.

I had decided to make buckwheat pancakes for breakfast.  A friend of mine got us the mix at the Maple Festival in Highland County several months ago.  I love buckwheat pancakes and hadn't taken the time to make them yet.  It sounded like a great idea and Emma was easy to convince that pancakes would be better than cereal this morning.

At the mere suggestion of making pancakes, Emma began quoting the book 'If You Give A Pig A Pancake' by Laura Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond
Emma was ready to make another book real! 

I mixed the buckwheat mix according to the directions, including the yeast, and waited.  Nothing happened.  I mean nothing.  It was a nasty grainy mess!

So plans had to change.  Emma was anticipating pancakes.  Cereal would not do the trick now, at least not without a lot of convincing.  I reached into the pantry for Plan B... some good ole reliable Bisquick.

Ah Bisquick, the cure all for pancake, waffle, or biscuit fails.  When all goes wrong, there is Bisquick.  I mixed it up in my Grandmother's glass serving bowl just so I didn't feel like I was totally selling out.  Everything went smoothly after Bisquick entered the picture.  The pancakes cooked up beautifully and Emma had a great filling breakfast that brought yet another book to life for her.

I received a lesson in rolling with the punches and making the most of every moment (even when they don't go the way you think they should).

Monday, July 9, 2012

Planting Tomatoes

Earlier this spring was beautiful. 


Not this sticky oppressive Summer heat that keeps us from wanting us to wander out into our gardens.


Emma and I made the most of those days.

We picked dandelions and made clover crowns. 

And because everyone said we couldn't plant 'out' yet and I had the strong urge to plant SOMETHING... 

...we took to planting seeds in little recycled yogurt cups.

We poked holes in the bottom of the yogurt cups with a granny fork.  Filled them halfway with dirt... then seeds... then a little more dirt.

Watering was a bit tricky since I didn't think to pre-moisten the soil but together we figured out a little slower watering system and made it work.

To be honest these particular plants are still by far the smallest in the garden, but we love them. We gave them their start together. Time will tell if we really get 'fruits' from our labor.  But I'm not sure it matters, the planting was so much fun any fruit will be a bonus.  

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Giving Tree - bringing books to life

 Reading 'The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein became Emma's favorite book for our bedtime story several weeks ago. I love reading it as much as Emma loves hearing it. The story is a wonderful contrast of selfishness and selflessness. It is also a reminder of how we can deplete our resources almost without thinking.

I love to bring books to life whenever I can for Emma. She actually gave me the idea of bringing books to life when she wanted muffin mix on a grocery shopping trip after reading 'If You Give a Moose a Muffin' by Laura Joffe Numeroff.

One afternoon I decided to make her a leaf crown to play 'king of the forest'.

I used the same technique with the leaves that I use to make clover crowns and it worked well. It was actually easier for me with leaves, a bit sappy, but easier.

I don't know how other people make them, but I french braid the stems trying to always introduce the new stem from the right side.  The leaf crowns last longer than the clover ones. Emma had fun wearing it, but had to share with her baby Belle doll. Guess I'll have to make two next time.

What books are your kid's favorites and have you thought of how to bring them to 'life'?