Emma was ready to make another book real!
I mixed the buckwheat mix according to the directions, including the yeast, and waited. Nothing happened. I mean nothing. It was a nasty grainy mess!
So plans had to change. Emma was anticipating pancakes. Cereal would not do the trick now, at least not without a lot of convincing. I reached into the pantry for Plan B... some good ole reliable Bisquick.
Ah Bisquick, the cure all for pancake, waffle, or biscuit fails. When all goes wrong, there is Bisquick. I mixed it up in my Grandmother's glass serving bowl just so I didn't feel like I was totally selling out. Everything went smoothly after Bisquick entered the picture. The pancakes cooked up beautifully and Emma had a great filling breakfast that brought yet another book to life for her.
I received a lesson in rolling with the punches and making the most of every moment (even when they don't go the way you think they should).